We thank you for any money you’ve spent in buying our products, and your trust in us as a brand. We also take pride in the time and effort we spend to make beautiful and durable leather goods for decades to come.
But we do admit that while working with leather, despite our best efforts of sourcing the Best quality materials and Leather, there could be some hit and miss here and there, although rarely, but this kind of stuff does happen with threads, hardware or even the leather. Threads can come loose and things might break.
This is why all of our Leather goods come with Limited lifetime Warranty. We will repair the item if it is a minor issue and even replace, if our quality control department, upon receiving the product from you (the valued customer) finds that it can not be fixed and the Mistake or negligence was entirely on our part (the chances of which are very low, considering the extreme attention to detail we give to the goods while making them and before shipping them) , we will replace the product for free.
What we do not Cover under warranty?
While we have this policy and claim that our products are tough as a nail and won’t come loose under daily usage and proper care for decades to come. We will not however cover, any damage done by water, or any unusual circumstances which happens due to the sole mistake of the customer.
So, properly take care of the product as you do with any other Leather product, the more you use it with care, the better it will get with time.
Also, we may need to verify the purchase when contacted for warranty of our products using Email account and phone number the purchase was done through. We Also do not cover any item later re-sold or traded to another owner after its been purchased from us under our warranty.
We do not however, cover the shipping and transit cost of the product under our warranty, that is the cost the customer has to bear.
Contacting Us
If you have issue with your product and think that you need to send it in for a repair, contact us using the contact page