No matter how accurately we try to display our products, the photography, the color correction, the size comparisons, sometimes things just don’t work out the way the customer imagined, or the customer doesn’t like it for some reason. Which is a perfectly reasonable thing and it happens a lot more than one might think.
To combat this, We have a 10 working days return policy. You can return the product for the full refund with-in 10 days of the receiving the product.
Once we receive the item, We’ll inform you that the product has been received and then we’ll inspect it for signs of use or wear and check the packaging. If its in unused original condition, we’ll make a complete refund to the customer. Refund will be made after the verification of a purchase and no shipping fees will be part of the refund.
If the product is not in its original shape (meaning that if it has been used), we will not refund the money. It may take 10-15 days for a refund.
The Products sold under special sale discount won’t be eligible for a refund.
You can contact us using the Contact Page.